
How to improve Communication Skills?

It is the universal truth that for the better future and for better job everyone need to express
their knowledge. Expressing something is possible by verbal or non-verbal
communication. It means communication is the key to success now a days ladies and
gentlemen. In any field communicating matters a lot.

You are the office then you need to
communicate to clients via presentations, to your boss via reports making and all. Here are
some important points to be consider while communicating.

What is effective communication?

The most effective communicators clearly inform others and actively listen to
them at the same time.
Effective communication involves a connection with others. This means the most
powerful skill you can leverage is being in sync with your audience.

It involves understanding and speaking to its needs, and then responding to real-
time feedback. It means having the conversation that your audience wants to
have. But achieving all of that can take some practice.

How to improve communication skills

1.  Keep your audience in mind

Your audience will be more engaged when you tailor your communications to their
interests. Gaining their interest by speaking directly to what matters to them will
naturally engage their desire to understand and interact with the information.

2. Keep the things simple

Even the most engaged and committed audience will eventually get bored. Keeping your
message simple and concise will make it easier to understand and retain.

3. Consider the best method to deliver your message

If it’s urgent issue then do not rely on mail or text. Use calling method in this case or
prefer personal meet. If the information you’re conveying isn’t urgent, consider sending
an email or a memo.

Written communication will give your audience more time to
review it, think it over, and follow up with questions. It will also give them a handy
record to refer back to,

4. Get them involved

To teach something new ask the learners for their input. This will make communication

5. Leverage face-to-face communication when possible

Face to face communication always better for better understanding of the perspective of
the person with the eye contact.

6. Make eye contact

By eye-contact, you can easily tell if the person you’re speaking to is understanding you,
is distracted, worried, or confused — much of which is lost in digital communication.

7. Ask for feedback

When you are not sure someone got it? Ask! A powerful technique is to ask people to
repeat back their version of what you just said. Often, this can improve retention,
immediate understanding, and minimize misunderstandings later on.

8.  Read non-verbal cues

There are various non verbal’s cues such as Yawns, fidgeting, and looking around the
room are usually clear signs that your audience is thinking about something other than
what you’re trying to convey. If you notice this, don’t take it personally. Try asking
them to share what’s on their mind, recap previous points they may have missed, or
adjourn for a later time.

9. Minimize distractions

If you’re chatting with someone (or a group) face-to-face, keep distractions at bay by
leaving unnecessary electronic devices out of the space. Keep the attendance limited to
just those who need to be there, and avoid scheduling at a time when people are likely to
focus on something else.
Follow this tips and tricks and be a good communicator.